Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Staying up late watching movies doesn't work very well at campgrounds.

because then you get woken up at 11am by a super-loud bluejay, a weedwhacker, and a riding mower. what the fuck? This state park isn't a campground, it's like a state-sponsored KOA or some shit.

plus the heat. I'm already sweating inside my tent.

I bet this would work much better somewhere cooler. I'm about sick of the heat and half ready to call it quits because of it. Only the thought of hanging out in New Orleans with Kittee and seeing all the awesome things there is keeping me hopeful right now.

Winter is coming, right? That means it gets cooler in the south?

ps: Dexter season two is pretty damn good. well worth staying up until 7am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All that book-learning and you didn't know it was hot in August in the South?! Have you NEVER listened to me complain about this?! Winter IS indeed coming, but it might not be here until November.

If Myrtle Beach is too loud, you might want to try Huntington Beach, just a little further down the coast. My memory (and we haven't been there in a few years) is that it's a little more, well, quiet. Very neat with alligators and stuff.

Did you find peaches?