Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Now with 100% more homelessness!

The apartment has been cleaned (mostly), the keys have been turned in, and I'm about to head off on my trip to Portland.

I managed to fit everything into my car, and in such a way as I am not blocking any of my rear view mirror. I think this means that I win.


Anonymous said...

Well, a little too late from a mom, but in the future, baking soda makes a great cleaner...it's abrasive enough to scrub with and when mixed with water will leave things fresh smelling (or so Arm and Hammer would want you to think!)
Safe travels to you!!

Anonymous said...

Jeff --

Sorry for the belated good wishes on your trip! We're so excited for you and are really happy that your road trip is becoming a reality! Not only is the clear rear view mirror important for safety, it's a great metaphor for your travels -- while it's good to see what you leave behind you, your nose is pointed in new direction with a whole new vision for the future.

We look forward to hearing about your adventures. Enjoy every minute of it. Write a lot. You'll love to read back over it when your hair is gray like mine!

We love you! Aunt Jean