Saturday, January 10, 2009

Needs more books

I finished the Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide Compendium a few days ago, and I'm kind of stuck with nothing fun to read right now. I finished the one book I got for xmas too. When I left Iowa City, I sold the vast majority of my books, but kept a big box of ones that were favorites of mine, or had sentimental value, but this also means that I've read each of them maybe a billion times each. I may head to Powell's in the near future to bulk up my bookshelves, or I might just head to the library and use that card I got. We'll see.

My local branch doesn't have a ton of books on hand, so I'd likely be requesting a bunch from the interlibrary loan, but if I want to read a book enough to bother requesting it, I feel like I might be better off buying it so I can keep it. I think I'll head there after work tomorrow anyway and see what they have on hand for "impulse reading".


Anonymous said...

Library is the way to go. Even if you need to use the inter-library loan service. It's free. You can't beat that!!! If spend, say, $10 a month on a book, you could save $120 a year! Great savings!
--advice from The Librarian

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

I go to the downtown library 2-3 times a week. It sure has a bigger selection than the small Belmont branch. However, I constantly request books and dvds, as you know, through the interlibrary loan system - which you should do...for the Monster Island trilogy! rar!